
Level Up Creators

Each week we publish tips, shortcuts, tear-downs, knowledge bombs, and easy-buttons to help creators, solopreneurs, and coaches achieve the holy grail of business: recurring revenue. Say goodbye to high-stress launches and hello to subscription-based products & services where you’ll find stable, predictable, scalable revenue. Our CEO, Amanda Northcutt, has been in the digital subscription space for 20 years as a consultant and 6-time executive, and she’ll give you the roadmap to your own subscription success each week!

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The Level In This Issue: We discuss the Bowtie Funnel and how to attract, nurture, and convert your audience, starting with top-of-the-funnel (TOFU) strategies to create awareness. We cover tactics like social media, podcasts, and partner marketing to bring in more prospects. Next week, we’ll dive into engaging these new prospects in the middle of the funnel. Hey Reader, You’re magnetic. But do you know how to harness that power? The Bowtie Funnel is all about how to attract, nurture and...

The Level In This Issue: We discuss the introduction to the Bowtie Funnel, a strategy designed to sustain your customer's journey and enhance their ongoing value to your business. This is the first of a six-week series where we'll dive into each step of the Bowtie Funnel to help you implement these strategies in your business. Hey Reader, Your customer’s journey is up to you. And though it may not be straightforward… It is predictable, and you can know how to sustain it. Three words: The...

 Now you know every step of the journey.

The Level In This Issue: We discuss working with Amanda Goetz from Life’s a Game to reach 50K Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR). We’ll cover building a sustainable, high-margin business, refining our vision, optimizing products, and creating diverse revenue streams. Follow our journey with weekly updates, business audits, and marketing strategies. Plus, shout-outs to our amazing community. Join us every Tuesday on LinkedIn for real-time insights! Hey Reader, As promised, I’m taking you behind...

The Level In This Issue: We discuss how to create irresistible products and services by solving your customers' painful problems and adding value. Learn to find the overlap between what your audience needs and what you uniquely offer. Hey Reader, How can you create irresistible products and services? Motivating prospective customers to action is as simple as creating products and services that solve painful problems and add value to your customers’ lives. Please take my money! You can: save...

The Level In This Issue: We discuss the hidden competitor you didn't know you had. It's not another brand or service—it's your potential customer's inaction. Discover why this silent foe can be the biggest obstacle to your success and how to overcome it. Hey Reader, Do you know your hidden competitor? HINT: It’s not another product, service, person or company. It’s your prospective customer never feeling the intense need, and therefore motivation, to actually buy something from you - your...

The Level In This Issue: We discuss how your followers’ loyalty to you is about to eclipse their loyalty to mega-brands like Coca-Cola, Nike, and Apple. This means the connection you've built with your audience is now stronger than what billion-dollar companies could ever achieve. Hey hey Reader, This is crazy: new data shows that the affinity social media followers have for their favorite 3 – 5 creators, is soon going to eclipse the affinity that has previously been reserved for global...

The Level In This Issue: Success in chutes + ladders (and business) is simply these four things, over and over. Hey Reader, The last few weeks of the newsletter have been building up to this. You win at your unique business game when you know: Where you are now Where you are going What’s keeping you from getting where you want to go(chutes) What you can use to your advantage to move forward(ladders) 👀 Mastering these four steps, over and over, is how all business works. I want to help you...

The Level In This Issue: We continue our comparison of business to Chutes and Ladders. This week, we're covering the ladders. 🪜. Hey hey Reader, Last week we talked about the children’s game Chutes and Ladders. TL;DR - chutes are the seen and unforeseen setbacks that inevitably happen in your business. You can mitigate them to some degree, but ultimately, they’re always going to be there. It’s how you respond to them that speaks volumes about your character and determines your short and long...

The Level In This Issue: Business is an infinite game. In the next 2 weeks, I’m demystifying how business actually works and what it takes to be wildly successful. It’s not complicated, and it all boils down to the rules of the children’s game Chutes and Ladders: Hey Reader, To win any game, you have to know the rules. You have to know what the end goal is, where you’re starting, the obstacles you might encounter along the way, and what will help you get ahead. In the board game Chutes and...

The Level Hi Reader, Today is the day you will know, definitively, if you’re a thought leader (or even an expert!) in an area where you both have “Experience” and “Passion” (your unique “EPs”). This is part 2 of 2 to help you find the common ground in the Venn diagram of your professional experience and topics you’re truly passionate about, which is the one-two punch that the most successful and well-loved companies in the world are built upon. In this issue: How to prove (to yourself) that...