Do you want to build a sustainable business but don’t think you’re a thought leader?

The Level

Hey hey Reader,

“I’m not sure if I’m qualified.”

“No one will listen to me.”

”Ha! You want me to teach others what I know?!?”

“There’s already so many ‘experts’ in my field. There’s no room for me.”

Sound familiar? Because I hear that A LOT from some of the most intelligent, sincere, delightful people on planet earth.

If that’s you, imposter syndrome and fear are keeping you small. But I don’t think you were meant to play it small.

And I think your brain needs a wake up call, so that you can finally do meaningful work that earns you the money you deserve.

And I don’t mean that flippantly.

Here are the questions I answered that served as the catalyst for this entire company, Level Up Creators, when I found myself doing unfulfilling executive work in the years before and during Covid.

For context, my career has been very successful by any traditional measure, but I knew there was more for me, and more that I had to offer to deserving individuals.

Step 1: Answer these questions

What topics/subjects are you so into, that you would talk to a wall about for hours on end if it would listen – that thing you always find a way to bring up in conversation, no matter how hard the segue?

What do different people come to you to get advice on, over and over?

What does your bff, partner, mom, sister, dog, etc. say that you are the best (or really good) at?

Where does your experience lie in your professional life, hobbies, relationships, etc.?

What do you do in your daily life that feels like it’s actually worth doing, as opposed to just another obligation on the calendar or to do list?

If you’ve job-hopped quite a bit, can you step back and see a common thread linking each professional post?

Great job! Stay with me 💪

Step 2: Labeling (Experience and/or Passion)

Now, take the answers you jotted down from the questions above (plus any additional goodies that come to mind) and mark them with an “E” for things you have “Experience” in, and/or a “P” for things you’re actually “Passionate” about.

Step 3: Find the Connection(s)

Focus your attention on the line items on your list with both an “E” AND a “P” next to them.

Do any of the things on your “EP” list stand out to you, on a gut-feeling level? Is your heart pulling toward 1, 2, or 3 of those EPs?


Notice I haven’t mentioned that third circle of our venn diagram yet: What people will PAY for. That’s key to building a sustainable business, especially one with recurring revenue. But honestly, that’s a very systematic process – one that we take folks through in Creator School.

BONUS: Feel free to download this free Creator Business Blueprint Guide if you want to get a jump on it!

Next week I’m going to offer you the opportunity to take the Expert Test, and then you’ll know, pretty damn definitively, if you have the level of expertise required to build an online business from and even have a shot at the holy grail of business: recurring revenue!

Great job this week!

- Amanda

🤔 What do you think?

Hit reply and let me know your “EPs”!

Here's how we help creators & thought leaders like you every day:

  • Join Level Up Creator School: Creator School is the ultimate creator subscription combining the exact business education you need now PLUS a full factional team of advisors – Level Up's consulting team!

  • Let us do the heavy lifting with the right Creator Package for your business! From building & optimizing funnels, developing subscription based products, and getting all the hands-on help you need – we've got you covered!

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Level Up Creators

Each week we publish tips, shortcuts, tear-downs, knowledge bombs, and easy-buttons to help creators, solopreneurs, and coaches achieve the holy grail of business: recurring revenue. Say goodbye to high-stress launches and hello to subscription-based products & services where you’ll find stable, predictable, scalable revenue. Our CEO, Amanda Northcutt, has been in the digital subscription space for 20 years as a consultant and 6-time executive, and she’ll give you the roadmap to your own subscription success each week!

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